Thursday, 23 June 2016


   After some period of help to the Community of Nakuru on weekends, Fr Nilo was integrated officially to this community in the beginning of this week. He has five years of priesthood and comes from Philippines. His country consists of more than seven thousand islands and is divided in 12 different areas. Our Spiritual Family is present in Philippines since 1990 and actually we have 5 religious communities in three of these areas. Fr Nilo arrived in Kenya last year and since that period up to last week lived with our brothers in the formation house in Ongata Rongai, dedicating to the studies of Kiswahili language.

     The coming of Fr Nilo is a great help for the sake of the mission, bringing new energy and strength especially to the community of Nakuru, where he is assuming the social activity “Welcome to the Family” so that Fr Felix can dedicate more time to the pastoral activities in the parish. Karibu Fr Nilo and asante sana for your availability to serve the Kingdom of God in this St Joseph Mission.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


     On 20th of June, three youth were welcomed in our house in Nakuru to start the stage of Postulancy. It is being a meaningful moment for our mission and we really longed for that. The youth who have been accepted for this stage of formation concluded the experience of Aspirancy in our formation house in Ongata Rongai and the Philosophical studies. The next step will be the Noviciate.

   The current group of postulants comes from two different dioceses of Kenya, such as, Hillary and Carlistus from Kakamega diocese and Augustine from Kisumu diocese.

     Although the journey of postulancy in Nakuru comprises experience pastoral and social, the experience in community with some religious of the mission will be centrality in their lives, preparing them to assume little by little the lifestyle which is required for the ones who want to consecrate themselves to the Lord through Religious Life. As superior of the religious community in Nakuru, Fr Felix Salvat is the main responsible for formative journey of these youth. Let us thank to the Lord for this great gift to our mission.

Monday, 20 June 2016


       From 13th to 17th of this month it happened the experience of “Come and See” for the candidates to Aspirancy of this mission. The experience took place in our house in Nakuru town.

     They were 13 youth from different towns and tribes of Kenya. This useful support to our formation house (Ongata Rongai) is part of the vocational work under responsibility Fr Felix Salvat in the name of St Joseph Mission. Bro Olinto (responsible for the Mission) and padre Jelson are the religious responsible for accompanying the daily activities with these youth.

    During this experience of “Come and See” the youth had the opportunity to experience many aspects of our daily life. Let us thank God because he continues blessing us with the gift of the vocations and let us also accompany these youth with our prayers so that they may persevere in their journey to Religious Life.  


    We have prayed, we have requested and finally, during the month of April, the Poor Servants Sisters started officially their activities in this Eastern Africa mission. Now we are together, Poor Servants Brothers and Sisters, living the same spirit and charism, witnessing to the same love of God Father and Provider. Since last year we had the visitation of some sisters (Sr. Maria Chiara, Sr. Helena and Sr. Elenice) in order to know better the place and study the possibility of starting some activity in this area. Actually we have two Sisters (Sr Rosela and Sr Jenipher).

   Together with the sisters, two young girls ware welcomed to start the journey of Aspirancy. These girls were being accompanied by Fr Felix before the coming of the Sisters. Other girls also are in this process of discernment and waiting for the conclusion of the studies in their local places from different towns of Kenya.


  Besides the formation house, the Poor Servants Sisters are assuming also the social activity with girls in situation of social vulnerability. Together with the daily formative accompaniment of the girls, the Sisters make bread to sell to the community around and to be an opportunity for the girls developing some personal skills. 

Saturday, 11 June 2016


   On 02 of May 2016 the religious of St Joseph Mission gathered together for an extraordinary meeting because the visit of the Casante Fr Miguel, general superior of the Congregation Poor Servants of Divine Providence. After brief moment of prayer led by Fr Miguel with the letter of St John Calabria to his Religious, we continued with the report of the last letter of the Casante to the religious of this mission. Fr. Miguel told us words of encouragement, appreciating the effective presence of our Spiritual Family in Kenya and about the possibility of starting some activity in Tanzania, extending a little more the reach of our presence in Eastern Africa.

      In continuity Fr Miguel said that we are invited to act like Paul and Barnabas whom were glad because the good things God had done among the people. In the same way we are invited to move on, recognizing what God has done and making out our participation as instruments in the hands of the Lord.

 For while, our Spiritual Family is present in two towns of Kenya. In Nairobi (Ongata Rongai) we have the Formation house (Aspirancy) and Social activity. In Nakuru, our Opera is responsible for one parish, social activity and experience pastoral for the candidates of the first year of Postulancy.


     St. John Calabria was born in Verona (Italy) on October 8, 1873, in a very poor family. By wonderful ways, the Divine Providence helped him to complete his studies in Seminary, overcoming very hard difficulties.
     He was consecrated Priest on August 11, 1901 and was Assistant Priest for 6 years at St. Stephen's Church, and later on Priest in Charge of St. Benedict in Monte, Verona.
In November 26, 1907 he started the "Casa Buoni Fanciulli" (house for abandoned children) in the lane of Case Rotte, transferring it in the next year to San Zeno in Monte, a new and more comfortable place.
    God sent him faithful disciples and inspired him to establish a Congregation, the Poor Servants of Divine Providence", composed of Priests and Brothers, and the Poor Servants of Divine Providence Sisters", with the specific mission to live and to restore in the world faith in God the Father, dedicating themselves to the poorest and marginalized.
   He prayed, wrote, suffered and made himself animator of courageous initiatives for another transparent return to the Gospel and for the unity of Christians.

       He died on December 4, 1954. He was beatified by John Paul II in Verona, on April 17, 1988 and canonized by the same Pope in St. Peter's Square, Rome on April 18, 1999.